RIA Inc. Australasia will be presenting to our members over the course of 3 weeks to allow all members an opportunity to engage with the RIA Inc. and provide feedback on the following topics:
Consultation with Members on the new RIA Inc. Australasia Code of Practice
As part of RIA Inc.’s commitment to better supporting its customers and meeting regulatory and community expectations, it has moved to establish a Code of Practice. ‘The Code’ will be an iterative set of rules and guidelines that will ensure the future of the industry by formalising four key value areas of the restoration model:
1. Quality, Standards & Mitigation
2. Customer Care
3. Health and Safety
4. Environment and Sustainability
Once you have registered to attend the Town Hall a draft copy of the Code of Practice will be emailed to you as a member prior to the event for you to review and provide feedback + ask questions at the Town Hall.
Presentation of Advocacy Position Statements off the back of the State of the Industry Reports
At the 2024 RIA Inc. Australasia Conference our very first State of the Industry Survey was released to gather data and insights in relation to the Restoration Industry in Australia and New Zealand. Based on the survey results a State of the Industry Report has been developed which will be available to members in the coming weeks. Off the back of this report RIA Inc. Advocacy have developed new position statements to use to engage with industry stakeholders that will be presented to members at the Town Hall.
Date: 18th September at 7pm
Location: Online via Zoom
If you would like to attend the virtual Town Hall, please click on the button below and complete the registration form. You will need your RIA Inc. member login to access the page.