Maintaining Your Restoration Certification

Once you become certified, it’s critical that you maintain your certification. Upon formal notification from RIA, Certificants begin their 3-year certification cycle, which runs on the calendar year. Example: The 3-year certification cycle for a professional who becomes certified in October 2018 would run from July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2022.


By taking a 3-day RIA Pillar Designation Course, you can obtain 19.5 CEC credits.


Step 1: Obtain Continuing Education Credits


Certificants must actively pursue ongoing professional development through educational coursework, attendance at industry-related events, association involvement, presentations, mentoring and more.


  • Certificants are required to maintain a total of 48 continuing education contact hours within their three-year certification cycle.
  • All CEC activity must be documented. (Examples: attendance certificates, paid receipts with course brochure, copy of ID badge with class description)
  • All CECs must be obtained within the three-year cycle.
  • CEC contact hours exceeding the CEC hour requirements within a 3-year cycle cannot be “carried over” into the next certification cycle.


Step 2: Renew Your Certification


3-Year Certification Cycle


Certificants are responsible for submitting the CEC documentation and paying their certification renewal dues in accordance with their 3-year certification cycle.


Multiple Certifications


If you hold multiple pillar designations, the newly gain certification will automatically be placed on the same certification cycle as the currently held certification(s). Starting with the June 30, 2019 renewal window, the renewal date of the CR would determine the renewal date for all earned certifications moving forward. For dual certificants with no CR, the default renewal date will become that of the first attained certification. Moving forward, all new dual, triple or quadruple certifications will assume the certification renewal date of the first attained certification.


Required CEs and Fees for RIA Advanced Designations


The number of CEs required and the fee required at renewal is contingent upon the number of RIA Advanced Designations achieved – CMP, WLS, FLS, ERS, CLS, CR.

Questions About Renewing Your Restoration Certification? Contact the RIA Helpdesk!


The RIA Helpdesk will assist you with:


  • Renewal Invoices
  • Account Updates
  • Continuing Education Credit Awards
  • Exam Results
  • Exam Retesting
  • Research Paper/Formal Report


Your dedicated Customer Service Representative is:


Mona Gaspar
+1 844 742 3762